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Mehul Kumar Linkedin

Chief Technology Officer

Mehul Kumar, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Novatr, is a tech prodigy, known for his exceptional ability to delve deep into complex issues and streamline solutions for maximum efficiency.

Mehul's impressive career includes significant contributions to the technology landscape. Notably, he played a pivotal role in building backend systems for Cure.Fit - India's foremost fitness startup. His work at Cure.Fit underscores his expertise in developing robust and scalable tech infrastructure. Mehul Kumar's intellectual depth is exemplified by his recognised publication in Theoretical Computer Science. This achievement underscores his dedication to advancing the field through rigorous research and innovation.

Mehul's passion for technology is intricately linked to his pursuit of efficiency and willingness to immerse himself in intricate problem-solving. His commitment to optimising processes aligns seamlessly with Novatr's mission to revolutionise the AEC industry through technology-driven solutions.

Beyond his professional endeavours, Mehul Kumar is an avid squash enthusiast. This reflects his competitive spirit and disciplined approach, qualities that translate well into his work as CTO, where precision and strategy are paramount.

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