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Understand the Career Roadmap of a Parametric/Computational/Sustainable Architect


Tarang Gupta
Tarang Gupta

Computational Design Specialist & Founder


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About the event

From Design to Code: The Path to Becoming a Successful Computational/Parametric Architect

Building an architecture career is one of the most challenging things ever.

Should I build a specialisation? How do I improve my design skills? How do I earn more? How can I land jobs at top firms?

Do you ever find yourself struggling to answer these questions? If yes, you’ve come to the right place.

As one of the greatest breakthroughs in design and an empowering tool that unlocks your creative potential, Computational Design offers several opportunities for architects. In fact, today’s computational design specialists stand to earn much higher than their peers, with enhanced job security, better prospects, and accelerated career growth.

Want to know how?

For this episode, we invited Trang Gupta, an ace Computational Design Specialist and Founder of Post 105 Technologies – a computational design and software consulting firm that develops digital design tools to enhance design processes – to answer these and any other questions you may have on what a Computational Designer’s Career Roadmap looks like.

What you will learn:

  • How to build a specialisation?
  • How to leverage Computational Design skills to land jobs?
  • What do the world’s top firms look for?
  • What kinds of career roles can architects take up?
  • What is the scope for growth in the Computational Design field?

Meet the speaker

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Tarang Gupta

Computational Design Specialist & Founder

Tarang Gupta, founder of Post 105 Technologies, is a Computational Design Specialist with over a decade of experience in providing efficient solutions to AEC. With expertise in generative design, process automation, mass customization, and energy optimization, Tarang drives advancements at the intersection of technology and architecture.